As, the government continues to strengthen its flood relief response, Hon. Susan Rodrigues Minister within The Ministry of Housing & Water joined hands with Hon. Kwame Mc Coy, Minister within the Office of the Prime Minister, for the distribution of relief supplies to residents along the Demerara River in Region Three and Region Four.

With their main source of income being farming, the recent heavy rainfalls have forced a number of residents to abandon their farmlands, severely affecting their ability to provide for their families, as their farms remain inundated. The flooding has also hampered the movement and daily activities of the residents.
Minister Rodrigues told the residents that the government has recognized their plight and the major economic implications looming if these issues are not addressed forthwith.
“This is government’s response to citizens in light of the recent flooding we’ve had. It is important for us to be on the ground, so that we can properly assess what our people are facing and we have brought with us approximately 200 hampers, as a form of temporary relief” the Minister said.

She noted that while the hampers are intended to be short-term relief, the needs assessments being conducted will pave the way for more long term solutions for the prevention of flooding, including the construction and rehabilitation of sluices and the clearing of canals and land, where possible in certain communities. Through the Ministry of Agriculture, central government is also exploring ways to resuscitate farming activities in flood affected areas countrywide, with a number of initiatives.
As Parliament reopens on Thursday, the Minister further highlighted that the government will be seeking a $10 billion supplementary budget to offset some of these systems.
Meanwhile, Hon. Kwame McCoy, made a special plea to the residents to play their part in the flood relief efforts by keeping their environment clean and drains free of debris. While underscoring that the country is also still facing the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, he further encouraged residents to get vaccinated against the virus.
A total of six communities benefited from the initiative: Susannah’s Rust, Dora, Endeavour, Low Wood (Lowood), Sand Hills and Kamuni Creek.
Photos: DPI Guyana