List of Persons to Uplift Land Titles

List of Persons to Uplift Land Titles

Public Notice

Ministry of Housing and Water

Central Housing and Planning Authority

The following persons are asked to uplift their Land Titles on Saturday, August 26, 2023, at the National Stadium, Providence, East Bank Demerara from 13:00 hrs. to 16:00 hrs. (1:00 PM to 4:00 PM).

NB: Please walk with a valid form of identification, receipts and all other housing-related documents to complete the transaction. Read More

AHUAP Livelihood Restoration Plan – Sophia (2019)

AHUAP Livelihood Restoration Plan – Sophia (2019)


This document constitutes the Livelihood Restoration Plan (LRP) for the Adequate Housing and Urban Accessibility Program (AHUAP) – GYL1031 in Sophia. It describes the results of an intensive livelihood restoration planning exercise undertaken by the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA) as part of the Government of Guyana’s (GoG) commitments under Section 6 (b) (i) of the Project’s Amendatory Agreement between the GoG and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). Read More

Environmental and Social Assessment for the Guyana Access to Resilient Housing, Basic Infrastructure and Mobility Services (GY-L1031)

Environmental and Social Assessment for the Guyana Access to Resilient Housing, Basic Infrastructure and Mobility Services (GY-L1031)


In May 2017, the Government of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana (GOG) officially requested for the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to reformulate the 2012 loan operation “Road Network Upgrade and Expansion Program” (GY-L1031) to include a component addressing housing and basic infrastructure needs of low-income populations in social housing schemes in the greater Georgetown area. The reformulated program, labeled the “Adequate Housing and Urban Accessibility Program” requires development of an Environmental and Social Analysis (ESA) to support approval of the reformulation. Read More

Environmental and Social Assessment Study for La Parfaite Harmonie Housing Scheme (2021)

Environmental and Social Assessment Study for La Parfaite Harmonie Housing Scheme (2021)


The Government of Guyana, with support from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) is currently implementing the Road Network Upgrade and Expansion Programme: Adequate Housing and Urban Accessibility Programme” or AHUAP. The programme is specifically aimed at improving the quality of life in urban and peri-urban Georgetown, through better access to adequate housing and basic infrastructure for low income populations, enhance urban and suburban mobility and safety, and strengthen national and local capacity to operate and maintain urban services. Read More

Livelihood Restoration Plan (2023 Report) – La Parfaite Harmonie

Livelihood Restoration Plan (2023 Report) – La Parfaite Harmonie


The Adequate Housing and Urban Accessibility Program (AHUAP) GY/L1031 will be executed in the La Parfaite Harmonie Housing Scheme, Region No. 3. This is the second project site. The project will be carried out in an area of 1500 acres, affecting Schoonard, La Parfaite Harmonie, Onderneeming, West Minister, Recht Door-Zee phases 1 and 2 and Lust-en- Rust. The AHUAP itself comprises the rehabilitation of infrastructure such as climate-ready drainage, street lighting, community facilities, roads (upgrade), sidewalks, and construction and rehabilitation of community facilities. The Environmental Social Assessment (ESA) for the AHUAP was conducted by CHPA and approved by IDB in 2021. Similarly, the required Environmental Social Management Plans (ESMPs) under the ESA’s Environmental Social Management System (Section 7.1 of theESA) were also developed by CH&PA and approved by IDB in 2021.

Access Full Report: LRP La Parfaite Harmonie Updated