Environmental and Social Assessment Study of Housing Schemes along East Bank Demerara

Environmental and Social Assessment Study of Housing Schemes along East Bank Demerara


The Government of Guyana, with support from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) is currently implementing the Road Network Upgrade and Expansion Programme: Adequate Housing and Urban Accessibility Programme” or AHUAP. The programme is specifically aimed at improving the quality of life in urban and peri-urban Georgetown, through better access to adequate housing and basic infrastructure for low-income populations, enhance urban and suburban mobility and safety, and strengthen national and local capacity to operate and maintain urban services. The Ministry of Housing and Water, through the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CHPA), is tasked with the implementation of the AHUAP, which is designed as a multi-work programme. Component 1 of the Programme focuses on the delivery of quality housing and basic infrastructure solutions and includes three (3) sub-components: affordable and sustainable housing; consolidation of existing housing schemes; and implementation support and institutional strengthening. Under this Component the CHPA is pursuing a project to improve infrastructure within several communities along the East Bank Demerara, Region 4. For this project an Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) was required to be performed.

The ESA aims at identifying potential environmental, social, health and safety risks associated with the implementation of the project, and developing recommendations to mitigate and manage such risks. The general objective of the ESA is to ensure that the potential environmental and social impacts of the activities of the proposed project interventions are identified, evaluated and addressed as part of the project’s design phase for the project site, and further improve integration of project interventions into their environmental and social setting, and mitigate negative environmental and social impacts.

The project consists of five categories of infrastructure construction and rehabilitation works which spans across six adjoining communities within the East Bank Demerera area. These communities are Peter’s Hall, Providence (Phase Two North and South), Perseverance, Herstelling, Farm (Phases One and Two) and Covent Garden. The five categories of work include road rehabilitation, cleaning and improvement of drains, construction of reinforced concrete sidewalks, construction of culverts, and installation of solar street lights. The project will be divided in various lots to be awarded to different contractors through a tendering process.

See full document below:

Environmental and Social Assessment Study of Housing Schemes along East Bank Demerara