Even as works are ongoing on a total of 210 young professional housing units at La Bonne Intention, East Coast Demerara, plans are underway for the construction of an additional 77 units in the same scheme.
According to Housing and Water Minister, the Hon. Collin Croal, already nine small contractors have been awarded contracts for the 77 elevated young professional homes.
He noted that of the two designs, the flat and elevated there is a higher demand for the elevated and as such the Ministry is responding to this demand.

Meanwhile, as works continue on the first batch of homes, all of which have been allocated, the Minister explained that the electrical and water networks are being installed.
“By the time these houses are completed, the electrical network will be installed and the same for the water network”.
Also, the Guyana Water Inc. has already tendered for the drilling of a new well that will serve the area and the site for the well has already been identified.

“We have set aside this zone for the construction of young professional houses and you would have noticed that we have shifted our focus a bit from the East Bank and this is as a result of our intent to maximize land use across the country”.
Minster Croal added that, over the coming months a lot of emphasis will be placed on the construction of homes, even as land allocation continues, making more options available for Guyanese of all income brackets.
Already, residential lots in the LBI Housing scheme have been exhausted and construction is booming in the scheme, as citizens are moving to occupy their lots.