CH&PA Donates 30 Solar Street Lights to Lima Sands

CH&PA Donates 30 Solar Street Lights to Lima Sands

A total of thirty street lamps have been presented to the community of Lima Sands on the Essequibo Coast by the Central Housing & Planning Authority (CH&PA).
Minister of Housing and Water, Hon. Collin Croal; Minister within the Ministry of Housing and Water, Hon. Susan Rodrigues; and Chief Executive Officer of CH&PA, Mr. Sherwyn Greaves made the presentation on Friday to a member of the Lima Sands CDC.

Earlier this year a request was made by the community for the street lamps, road rehabilitation works and transportation. Through an inter-Ministry intervention, these promises will be fulfilled by the Ministry of Public Works, as they have undertaken to carry out the road rehabilitation works.
Installation of the street light begins in Lima Sands

Minister Croal during the presentation said he is pleased that the CH&PA was able to deliver on this promise in such a short space of time. He added that this is a clear indication of the Ministry’s commitment to building wholesome communities with all the necessary amenities.

Less than a day after the presentation, the installation process has commenced. Engineers attached to the CH&PA’s  Projects Department spearheaded the installation, which is being done by La Rose Electrical Supplies and Construction Services. The lights will be installed at vulnerable points in the community, benefitting some 1,200 residents.
Photos: Sydel Thomas CHPA PR Dept.