List of Persons to Uplift Land Titles/Transports at the International Building Expo, 2024, Friday 09 August

List of Persons to Uplift Land Titles/Transports at the International Building Expo, 2024, Friday 09 August


Ministry of Housing and Water

Central Housing and Planning Authority

The persons listed below are asked to uplift their Land Title/Transport at the National Stadium, Providence, East Bank Demerara on the following date: Friday, August 09, 2024 from 9:00 AM

NB: Please walk with a valid form of identification, receipts and all other housing-related documents to complete the transaction.

Nos. Name(s) Nos. Name(s)
1 Aakleemah  Razack Rahim 434 Lonsdale O’Ryan Joseph
2 Aamelia Doraisami 435 Lydia Mithelesh Singh
3 Abdool Shafike Zarack and Inderdai Zarack 436 Lynette Sharon Crawford
4 Abegale Necola Dawn Robinson 437 Madonna Althea Hardy
5 Abeika Lambert 438 Mahadeo Jairam and Lesa Annanasia Lall
6 Abena Onella Edwards 439 Mahindra Arjune and Cheelawattie Persaud
7 Abiola Nicola Frank 440 Mahkeida Otesia Sullivan
8 Adelaja Kayode Darymple 441 Malcolm Anthony Zammett
9 Adesina Kwamina Phyll 442 Malika Althea Gordon
10 Adeyomo Roberto Alphaeus Boston and Dionne Delleth Hinds 443 Malika Iyesha Ifill
11 Adiola Amanda Frank 444 Malini Sanichar
12 Adrian Archibald Samaroo and Ivonna Breatina Samaroo 445 Malline Xavier
13 Aina Akonolia Dexter James Ruthersford and Collette Hope-Ruthersford 446 Mallissa Tiffany Dennis
14 Ajitanand Mahadeo and Loressa Wandalisa France 447 Maloma Olibisi Bristol
15 Alana Malisa Welcome 448 Mandie Abiola Jones
16 Alecia Alexis Inniss 449 Maranda Lorette Lyte
17 Aleshia Tracia Yansen Trotz 450 Marc Anthony Kalli and Pheiona Onessia Kalli
18 Alex Henery Mangla 451 Marcel Adunni Pinder
19 Alexis Ann Kingston 452 Marcel Ovid Sealey
20 Alextina Anita Evans Boodoosingh 453 Marcia Ann Williams
21 Alfred Francis Parks 454 Marcia Bianca Chung
22 Alicia Oletia Smith 455 Marcia Gaskin
23 Alishaw Singh 456 Marcia Onica Barker
24 Allan Bertram Savory 457 Marcia Salina Benn
25 Allan Ceon O’Brien 458 Marilyn Adhinti Mahadeo
26 Allana Anita Mc Cullock 459 Mario Gustavou Gonsalves
27 Altaf Saaif Hamid 460 Mario Moonsammy
28 Althea Claudette Mercurius 461 Marissa Emily Moonsammy
29 Alton Obrian Seaforth 462 Mark Anthony Schadde and Audrey Jovanni Bennett-Schadde
30 Alvin Sukhdeo and Meera Devi Sujhdeo 463 Mark Ignatius Isaac
31 Amanda Khan 464 Marlon Joel Chesney and Cassandra Priscilla Chesney
32 Amanda Outram 465 Marlyn Michelle Watson
33 Amarnauth Behari and Satawatie Bissoon 466 Marlyn Thomas
34 Amaziah Nekoda Mentore 467 Marston Andre Mc Inroy and Pamela Ann Braithwaite
35 Ameena Ramzan 468 Martha Chianchan
36 Amineka Angela Mc Donald 469 Marti Storm Semple and Melissa Onica Semple
37 Amir Khan and Hemanjali Sharma-Khan 470 Martin Rocky Hunte and Rondelle Odessa Hunte
38 Amrita Sharma 471 Marva Alicia Lindie
39 Amy Ann Soares 472 Marven Dublin and June Ann Marcha Dublin
40 Ananca Alinda Allen 473 Maxine Diedre Alana Massay
41 Anand Deonanan 474 Maxine Nicola Wiggins
42 Anandkumar Badrinarain and Manawattie Badrinarain 475 Mayank Ravidyal Singh
43 Anasie Nickos Reece 476 Medinishwar Johnny and Rasheida Johnny
44 Andrea Onika Harris 477 Meena Raghbeer
45 Andrew Rudolph Neehaul Clifford 478 Meera Sukhdeo
46 Andrew Solomon Fowler 479 Megan Genevieve Glasgow
47 Angelisa Fianna Alexander 480 Melanie Stoll
48 Anikah Natasha Semple 481 Melica Belita Omedelly Pyle
49 Anita Albert 482 Melisa Melinda Crawford
50 Anita Dhanraj 483 Melisa Soomnauth
51 Anjanie Devi Cyril 484 Melissa Nichola Bess
52 Ann Marie Edwards 485 Melissa Omindy Gittens
53 Ann Mc Donald 486 Melissa Talicia O’Choa
54 Ann Samantha Devine 487 Merissa Kassandra Prescott
55 Annanza Alana De Courte 488 Mia Tofoya Telford
56 Annette Phoena Munilall 489 Michael Kenneth Hawke
57 Anthony Delwyn Brand 490 Michell Vanessa Lashley
58 Anthony Leo Seecharan 491 Michelle Abiola Samaroo
59 Anthony Michael Ramadan and Navita Persaud 492 Michelle Althea Drennon
60 Anton Sylvester Kwang and Sharila Candacey Thompson-Kwang 493 Mike Emerson Mc Lean
61 Appa Rao Manchem 494 Moein Rafeel
62 April Maria Soares 495 Mohamed Sharaz Ali Amin
63 Arif Rajin Singh and Bibi Eleisha Jamalodeen 496 Mohin Rameshwar and Lirekha Rameshwar
64 Arun Rohit Persaud and Fareeza Farouk 497 Monique Alyssa Lowden
65 Asaleah Odetta Alicia Johnson 498 Morrel Mathew Hunte
66 Asha Sookdoo 499 Morvin Mahipat and Shaneza Sharples-Munipat
67 Ashana Shebeka Bourne 500 Moteelal Bisnauth Jean Bisnauth
68 Asif Ally and Bibi Fazena Ally 501 Muarisia Francettia James
69 Astacia Shenise Birkett 502 Myrna Lucretia James
70 Aszim Baksh and Davika Hardyal 503 Nabijala Nicola Nelson
71 Atola Asherah Greene 504 Naeem Hassan Baksh and Kuntie Baksh
72 Atto Kwasi Cort 505 Nairoon Aslam Habeeb
73 Aveon Jewel Luckhoo 506 Naitram Mohan
74 Avril Smartt 507 Nakeeta Sanmantha Rodney
75 Ayanna Chiaka Malika Luke 508 Nakisha Dhawand Austin
76 Ayanna Petronella Miller 509 Nakita Malisa Kaloutie
77 Ayesha Juyoita Veronica Morgan 510 Nalini Khan
78 Ayesha Nigina Todd 511 Nandalall Singh and Khamattie Singh
79 Azeem Azeez and Preeya Lisa Ruplall 512 Nandanie Deolall
80 Babsie Rookmin Rajmangal 513 Nandkumarie Asha Ramnarace
81 Bainie Krishnadat and Shivani Angela Sukhdeo 514 Nankumarie Meza
82 Balram Pertab and Waheeda Pertab 515 Narenrda Nauth
83 Basdeo Singh and Rasheeda Rasheed 516 Naresh Kuar Paul and Natasha Akeisha Gardner
84 Bayeeshmaal Arawani Ramsundar 517 Narinedai Persaud
85 Beulah Elurna Bijadder 518 Narissa Kellyann Curtis
86 Bevan Hugh Butts 519 Narissa Magda Cascius
87 Beverly Ann De John 520 Natasha Oneca Limerick
88 Bheetram Moosai 521 Natasha Rampersaud
89 Bhomattie Mutulall 522 Natasha Savitri Ramnarain
90 Bhopendra Damien Holall 523 Natasha Theola Stephen
91 Bibi Ameena Khan 524 Natoya Onica Belle
92 Bibi Rakiba Khan 525 Navinie Rupnarayan
93 Bibi Saleena Ramzon 526 Navita Kumar
94 Bibi Sallyshwa Narine 527 Nazeer Khan and Sherefa Khan
95 Bibi Sallyshwa Narine 528 Nelroy Mc Rae and Stacy Aguilar
96 Bibi Shameela Hassan 529 Nerwyn Leeandrew Amos
97 Bibi Waheeda Yusuf 530 Netrani Shiw
98 Bishram Samaroo and Sursattie Rajaram 531 Neville Augustus Lesli
99 Bonita Natasha Tinnis 532 Nichola Melissa Halley
100 Bowanie Ramroop and Shanti Ramroop 533 Nicholas Alexander Ramcharran
101 Brian Hiraman and Sandra Hiraman 534 Nicholas hosea Lowenfield
102 Bridget Bernadette Daniels 535 Nichole Rosemary
103 Brilliana Adams 536 Nickeisha Alicia Duncan -Abbensetts
104 Bruce Jonathan Chin 537 Nickel Felicia Griffith
105 Bruce Lee Cummings 538 Nickolas Agustus Jagroop and Nandie Seebarran
106 Burton Valentine Hubbard and Satwanti Baburam 539 Nicola Alexis Holder
107 Caeron Andrew Harte 540 Nicola Da Silva
108 Calvin Carl Raoul Barrow 541 Nicola Natasha Duke
109 Candace Alisha Osbourne 542 Nicole Lyne Ka Tassandra Williams
110 Candacy Sindy Britton 543 Nigel Errol Finlayson Mc Kenzie and Shelly Ann Keturah Andrea Mc Kenzie
111 Candasi Alicia Evans 544 Niketa Attia Joseph
112 Candica Tishana Moore 545 Niketa Nazema Hussain
113 Carl Gregory Viera and Khamwattee Persaud-Veira 546 Nirmala Devi Balram
114 Carla Lisa Wilson 547 Noel Akey Jhingoree
115 Carlo Anthony Douglas 548 Noelle Alexis Jeffrey
116 Carlos Dexter David and Shana David 549 Noreen Johannies
117 Carlos Malor Drakes 550 Norma Jack
118 Carlton Helton Layne 551 Nyota Abiola Nicketa Bobb-Blackman
119 Carol Ann Mohamed 552 Odelle Bishop
120 Carol Latoya Barker 553 Odessa Kenneta Smith
121 Cassey Iannia Simpson 554 Odiana Ashotipa Manawar
122 Celeen Marcy De La Cruz 555 Okello Osmond Atherly
123 Chaitram Persaud Harrypersaud and Bhagmattie Harrypersaud 556 Okema Amanda Crawford
124 Chandoo 557 Okeme Oslyn Beaton
125 Chandrawattie Lakeram 558 Olton Quacy Braithwaite and Jagranie Wonita Deolall
126 Chandrazhakar Behari and Rookma Behari 559 Omanand Frederick
127 Chanpati Emrit 560 Omar Ali Khan Schuler
128 Charlene Elizabeth Phillips 561 Omeana Amanda Gittens
129 Charles Eanuel Fernandes and Sylvanna Selby 562 Oneka Abiola Pereira
130 Charles Sheldon Christopher Westford 563 onia Cronelle Percival
131 Cheryl Ann Inniss 564 Onica Andastecia Hinckson
132 Cheryl Williams 565 Onica Nyoma Samuels
133 Christopher Bobby Cho-Sam and Nalinie Oodith 566 Onifa Latoya Anthony
134 Christopher Fidelis Chapwanya and Charlene Erica Yemasi Chapwanya 567 Onika Amanda Thompson
135 Christopher Gangadin and Lalita Singh 568 Onlesa Tomara Benn
136 Christopher Kissoon 569 Orin Quacy Shortt
137 Cindy Ramane Deryck 570 Orinio Godfrey Dhanraj
138 Clemencio Aliscia Goddette 571 Orinthia Nerissa Dublin
139 Clesxie Cassandra Forde 572 Ornie Rhondy Smith
140 Cleyon Christel Mc Phoy 573 Osheha Cindy Leveta Williams
141 Clinton Hilbert Lancelot Anthony and Alicia Atonia Henry 574 Oslyn Ashton Omar Williams
142 Coleen Ann Duncan 575 Oswald Fitzpatrick Hunte and Myrtle Sarabo-Hunte
143 Colin Dwayne Hurley 576 Owen Adolphus Easton
144 Colis Nicolas Allen 577 Pablo Carlos Gomes
145 Collette Taryna Paul 578 Pamela Ollivierre
146 Compton Fitzpatrick Hope and Tessa Anthea Aria Phyll 579 Parbatie Persaud
147 Conna Ann Warde 580 Patricia Simpson
148 Cora Marsha Flue 581 Paul Anthony Howell and Rovina Avatea Campbell-Howell
149 Corline Ramdan 582 Paul Anthony Roopnarine and Cassandra Marisha Roopnarine
150 Crystal Jade Sampson 583 Paul Kamdat Ramcharran and Bibi Sheleza Racharan
151 Cuvae Richard Norville 584 Paulette Nicola Vieira
152 Cyntia Khan 585 Peter Jordan
153 Dahvis Akeshia Caldeira 586 Petrona Alexis Charles
154 Dainyell Alister Dazell 587 Philbert Leofric Bobb
155 Dairanie Persaud 588 Philip Davendra Kowlessar and Kowlessar
156 Dale Warwick London and Rushana Loreen London 589 Pooran Outar
157 Dane Darnell Massiah 590 Preya Gokul
158 Dane Eustace Gibson 591 Priscilla Eughtina Mc Cammon
159 Daniel Anthony Harris 592 Priscilla Theresa Paul
160 Danny Ramand Shanna Ram 593 Priya Mohabir
161 Darrel Dennis Luke King 594 Proverbseight Amaliah Jones
162 Darryl Gregory Manichand and Naiomie Williams 595 Quincy Alexander Hazel and Caren Tomika Peters- Hazel
163 Darshan Ramsarran and Lalita Bridgelall 596 Quinita Candacy Friesco
164 Dave Alli and Shaneza Shazam 597 Raajpaul Itwaru and Rajcoomarie Itwaru
165 Daveka Patrick 598 Rabindra Gopaul Benny and Devi Benny
166 Davenand Rajkumarie and Maharanie Rabindranauth 599 Rafeena Kudrat
167 David Anthony Van -Lewin and Donella Makada Anasha Clarke 600 Rafeena Mohamed
168 David D’Andrade and Verna Gomes-D’Andrade 601 Rahul Sewdial and Priya Singh
169 David Ronella Maison and Althia Abina Maison 602 Rajenrda Rambarran
170 David Samuel Persaud 603 Rajesh Anand Parmanand and Seema Nalini Parmanand
171 Dawayne Ovid Simon and Kamloutie Deonarine 604 Rajin Tulsidas and Gaitree Tulsidas
172 Dawyne Recardo Jacobs 605 Rajkumar Lochan and Analysia Maria Lochan
173 Dehan Carlos Barnes and Earlette Onica Barnes 606 Rajshree Parsatoon
174 Deleni Shamlall 607 Rajukumar Persaud Naraine and Farrah Naraine
175 Delesa Natacia Archer 608 Ramchand Kanhai and Nandanie Devi Sukhu
176 Delight  Denisha Dojoy 609 Ramdeo Budhu
177 Deline Likisha Cleopathrah Charles 610 Ramdial Ramnauth and Samantha Ramnauth
178 Dellon Justin Peters 611 Ramesh Badrinauth
179 Delvin Stanley Fowler and Meronda Alicea King 612 Ramesh Brigmohan
180 Denise Allison Warren 613 Ramesh Kissoon
181 Denise Daveka Mona 614 Ramnarace Deonauth and Jagdai Bishnudat
182 Denroy Randolph Mars 615 Ramrattan Khelwan and Lynette Thom
183 Deodat Dass Ramdass and Chandrani Devi Basant 616 Ramsahoy Shewpal and Kavita Persaud
184 Deon Owen Adolph 617 Randall Marland Williams and Chitrekha Williams
185 Deonarine Prashad and Nadine Lall 618 Randell Stephen Williams
186 Deondra Alicia Veronica Wishart 619 Randolph Ignatius Yaw and Mary Ann Smith
187 Deric Timmerman 620 Randy Bruce Daniels
188 Desiree Packwood 621 Raphael George Angelo Calder
189 Desmond Randolph James and Phyllis Gloria James 622 Raphael Singh
190 Deswick Charles Hekima Haywood 623 Rashawna Towana Quintin
191 Devika Budhibal 624 R’asley Obdiah Ferguson
192 Devitree Haimnarine 625 Raul Anthony Chase
193 Devon Anthony Samuel Wintz and Nafrana Melessa Munroe 626 Raul Bhaskarnand Kissoon and Geneva Melissa Cumbermack-Kissoon
194 Devon Arlington Austin 627 Ravi Shankar Sasenarine and Hemlata Sasenarine
195 Dexroy Akeem Dodson 628 Rawle Andrae Jr. Powers
196 Dexter Brentnol Carmicahel 629 Rawle Rushman Roopnarine and Zalina Shakeer
197 Dexter Bryan 630 Ray Andrew Beharry
198 Dhanpaul Dhanraj and Sundranie Dhanraj 631 Raymond Quincy Jones
199 Diana Melissa Anderson 632 Raymond Williams
200 Diana Ozelia Henry 633 Raynell Ewart Marks
201 Diane Ibrahim 634 Rayon Singh and Sursattie Singh
202 Dianna Lisa Persaud 635 Rebecca Ragbeer
203 Dianne Alexis James 636 Rebekah Ganga
204 Diaram Kanhaje and Reshma Ganedalall 637 Reepu Mangar and Chandrwatie Lall
205 Dishon Anthony Harris 638 Renessa Natasha Prince
206 Dodley Andrew Williams and Towana Alicia Morrison 639 Renewatie Bhownauth
207 Dominique Anthony Watkins and Trace Linda Critchlow 640 Renita Amanda Fraser
208 Donell Abigail Ramsay 641 Rensford Terence Bobb and Tiffany Malini Sue-Bobb
209 Donella Amanda Muller 642 Reshma Mahase
210 Donna Agatha Marshall 643 Reza Abeni Niles
211 Donna Wagner 644 Rhona Elizabeth Embleton
212 Donnel Kristopherson Gibson 645 Ricardo Kevin Dilchand
213 Donwin Jamal Stuart 646 Richard Anthony Orin Trotz
214 Dorwin Dilivio Nunes 647 Richard Paul De Nobrega
215 Dwayne Adolphus Welch 648 Richard Sean Michael Kilkenny
216 Dwayne Colin Tucker 649 Rickford Sean Paul Bentham
217 Dwayne Hughes 650 Rod Anthony Azeez and Savitri Singh
218 Dwayne Paul Joseph 651 Roderick Joseph Blackman
219 Earl Roberts 652 Roderick Samuel Britton and Petronella Abigale Patterson-Britton
220 Edward Francis Junior Williams 653 Rohanie Baksh
221 Ejaz Ameer Hoosain and Sharon Persaud 654 Rohshnie Indaranie Vickram
222 Elizabeth Ann Ferrell 655 Rollex Anthony Fraser and Masani Alicia James-Fraser
223 Elizabeth Denise Tute 656 Romano Anthony Mohamed
224 Elizabeth Valancha Bourne 657 Romel Avinash Bhagwandin and Nnoliku Alicia Benons
225 Elroy Oliver Clarkson 658 Romel Jeffrey and Radika Laljie-Jeffrey
226 Elton Littleton Prashad and Ann Marie Isha Prashad 659 Romero Girga Surujnarine and Dasmattie Surujnarine
227 Enenisha Alesha Benjamin 660 Rommel Regan Reid and Sahodera Reid
228 Errol Anthony Thomas and Dawn Allison Thomas 661 Ronald Anthonio Mann and Indira Singh
229 Ertha Annetta Moore-Leslie 662 Rookmanie Rampersaud
230 Excel Sekou Solomon Prescott 663 Rosemarie Rebecca Shiwbaran
231 Exton Devon Clarke and Adele Diane Tricia Clarke 664 Roshana Onika Dowden
232 Faneeza Halim 665 Roshanda Keziah Morris
233 Farah Ann Fraser 666 Roshni Ramdhan
234 Farrah Romona Juma 667 Roshowne Andrea Lovell-Duncan
235 Faye Leontyne Hopkinson 668 Roxanne Loraine Gooding
236 Fazal Mohamed and Sherry Amanda Bhagwandin 669 Ruby Hadassah French
237 Fazeer Hoosein 670 Rudolph Marsden Omallo and Neclitte Odessa Omallo
238 Fazie Mohamed 671 Rudolph Valentine Sukhdeo Persaud
239 Fedricka Sophi Dorris 672 Rudranauth Mathura and Maritza Amanda Mathura
240 Fiona Amanda Clarke 673 Rumeal Ackeme Vernon Bamfield
241 Fiona Ruth-Ann Hmailton 674 Runita Tracy Roxanne White
242 Floena Amanda Fraser 675 Rushell Aisha Stanley
243 Flora Angelina Marks 676 Rushelle Aiesha Holicia Woolford
244 Gabriela Catalina Deo 677 Rushona Alexandrea Berkley
245 Gailann Alana Griffith 678 Ryan Anthony Carl Davson and Faith Leah Amour
246 Gajadhar Narine and Haimwattie Narine 679 Ryan Anthony Perreira Jardine and Savita Yogeshwarie Jardine
247 Ganesh Ram Shivnauth and Hema Camine Shivnauth 680 Ryan Dwayne Breedy
248 Ganesh Ramballi and Basmattie Torab 681 Ryan Kattow and Jennifer Padmini Seecharran
249 Ganesh Teerath 682 Sabhas Dalla
250 Gavin Dale Sukhai 683 Sabita Budhu
251 Gavin Dwight Spellen 684 Sabrina Hall
252 Gavin Iver Joseph 685 Saevion Simon Anthony David-Longe
253 Gavin Lester Lewis 686 Sahodra Persaud-Simon
254 Gfloyd Marlon Rollins and Aleena Alicia Moonsammy 687 Sally Das
255 Gloria Noble 688 Samantha Allana Lake
256 Goutam Avinash Dookie and Rookmanie Khemraj 689 Samantha Natasha Greene
257 Govinda Gobin and Himoutie Rambarran 690 Samantha Odetta Blackett
258 Gurdev Mahadeo 691 Samola Abiola Norton
259 Guywanti Persaud 692 Samuel Anthony Loy and Mohenie Loy
260 Haimraj Hamandeo and Sanjeevani Singh-Hamandeo 693 Samuel Bristol
261 Haimwantie Davie Budhoo 694 Sandlyn Carlotta Europe
262 Harrynarine Sahadeo 695 Sandra Lewis
263 Hasina Akona Mingo 696 Saraswati Hukmi Persaud
264 Haychandra Persaud and Zabeena Yusuff 697 Sasha Marita Henry
265 Hazel Ann Morris 698 Sattie Prasad
266 Hazrat Nazamodeen Mohamed and Drupattie Ragobeer 699 Satyanand Ramdowar and Rashmeni Gangaram
267 Heather Alicia Hudson 700 Savitri Albert
268 Hemwantie Persaud 701 Savitrie Forik
269 Hemwatie Persaud 702 Sayyad Ramcharran
270 Hilton Lancelot Johnson 703 Schedelia Rhonique Hodge
271 Hodiah Oneka Levine 704 Seamaa Diaram
272 Holly Ann Trim 705 Sean Andrew Moore and Stacy Neaphor Brantch
273 Holly Yumelle Daniels 706 Seepersaud Motilall Balrup and Sushma Deonarine
274 Hurshel Acquino De Margues David 707 Seldday Selwyn Hansford Hubbard and Kenlyn Alicia Downer -Hubbard
275 Iftikar Mohamed 708 Semone Ann Norville
276 Imran Ramzan Rahaman 709 Sergio Jose Africano Fandino
277 Imtaz Alli 710 Sewram Babulal
278 Imtiaz Ahmad and Khemrajie Khamai 711 Shade Abasade Anthony
279 Indranie Jaikaran 712 Shahabudeen Khan
280 Intiaz Mohamed 713 Shaheed Zaiboon
281 Isaac Stephan Safi 714 Shanaka Letitia Thomas
282 Iyanna Tendiea Butts 715 Shanna Stewart
283 Jagdat Budhai 716 Shansey Omymtha Layne-Giddings
284 Jaime Sahadeo Ramroop and Tracey Ann Pedro 717 Shaquan Malik Anderson
285 Jamal Darrely Pyle 718 Shari Adana Grimes
286 Jamaul Alvin Mc Intyre 719 Shariell Ayana Crawford
287 James Edwards Vanderhyden and Denese Ann Small 720 Sharon Allison Shortt
288 James Gilbert Mingo and Dianne Carter-Mingo 721 Sharon Naomi Calvan
289 James Junior Meredith 722 Shatcha Nichola Glasgow
290 James Lyndon Duncan 723 Shawetta Shivratan
291 James Neto Nieuelder 724 Shawn Chritopher Madramootoo
292 Jamie Dion Wiseman and Onika Amanda Archer 725 Shawn Hemant Persaud
293 Jamol Ethan Marcus 726 Shawn Patrick Raymond Bristol
294 Janelle Tiffany Logan 727 Shazaad Ishak
295 Janice Smartt 728 Sheik Ameer Hassan
296 Jemine Joseph George and Shaunella Wanda Glen 729 Sheik Haroon Rasheed Habeeb
297 Jenella Antoly Blackman 730 Sheik Mohamed Nazamodeen and Sallima Nazamodeen
298 Jenella Natasha Arthur 731 Sheikh Mohamed Azamudeen Shamshudeen and Nadira Seecharran Shamshudeen
299 Jermain Orlando Knights and Euline Iris Mc Rae 732 Shellon Anisha English
300 Jermaine Anthony Ramcharran and Sabrina Natasha King 733 Shellon Anita Gomes
301 Jermaine Julius Charles 734 Shelly Balkissoon
302 Jermaine Misherri Niles 735 Shemroy Osafo Pompey
303 Jewel Ceandra Kendall 736 Shenice Tiffiney Blackman
304 Jhonny Jesson Jabar 737 Sheon Leann Althea Brown
305 Jillian Augustin 738 Sheron Alexis Jerome
306 Jillian Shulochanie Paramdai 739 Sherrian Ahaila Sebak
307 Joan Alexandra Earle 740 Shevon Amanda Boodhoo
308 Jody-Ann Raquel Blake 741 Shirley Primo-Holder
309 Joel Patrick Dey and Sashara Kimbely Dey 742 Sholet Hopkinson
310 John Alwin Mc Allister Cecilia Ramlochan 743 Shonelle Alisha Edinboro
311 John Compton Embleton and Sandra Annette Gunraj 744 Shurlan Trpy Klass
312 John Mitchell and Sharon Pamela Mitchell 745 Sihon Swami Anjou Mollyneaux and Surmeema Stacy Mollyneaux
313 Johnathan Patrick Mc Intyre 746 Simanda Andella Northe
314 Jonathan Brandon Persaud Kaawla 747 Simon Asraya and Geeta Kissoon
315 Jonathan James Johnson and Felicia Natasha Dos Ramos 748 Simone Abiola De Jonge
316 Jonnel Atheysa Lawrence 749 Simone Elizabeth Roach
317 Jorge Andres Rangel D Santiago and Chitra Rangel 750 Simone Waldron
318 Joseph Headley Jnr Adams 751 Sindhumati Ramrattan
319 Joshua Anthony Somwaru and Liselle Mercia Doobay-Somwaru 752 Sodella Shemya Williams
320 Joshua Singh 753 Soma Devi Pooran
321 Joy Kidram 754 Somdat Prashad and Nadira Daveka Prasad
322 Joyce Minerva Garraway 755 Sonia Amanda Latoya Hughes
323 Juan Adela Skeete 756 Sonia Ann Persaud
324 Juleanna Maria Chatterpaul 757 Stanley Sahib
325 Julian Klint Linton 758 Stayon Scennille Shamime Lambert
326 Julianna Atika Belle 759 Stefon Yannick Paul
327 Jumaine Lakasie Stephens 760 Stephanie Saadia Alextine Glen
328 June Ann Gravesande 761 Stephon Emanuel Eastman
329 June Ann Veronica Henry 762 Steve Dwight Sharples
330 Kabeer Ganesh and Lolita Kattow 763 Steve Richard Dos Santos and Eslyn Elizabeth Collins
331 Kadccia Amolie Leander 764 Suella Lavinia Noble
332 Kairon Jamaar Griffith 765 Sullaiman Khan and Phulmattie Khan
333 Kalina Tabessa Damali Harris 766 Sumanta Soorsati Ramroop
334 Kamlin Alexis Tang 767 Sumintra Manick
335 Kamloon Neisha Omar 768 Sumintra Rupnarain
336 Karan Persaud and Jaitrie Sukhlall 769 Suresh Seecharan and Sunita Seecharan
337 Kareem Delano Graham 770 Surjdai Mursaleesen
338 Kareem Sahid Parris 771 Surjuie Bahadur
339 Karen Althea Joseph 772 Sursattie Rajaram
340 Karen Amanada Ramcharan 773 Suruj Narine Nankumar and Sheena Feiono Reynatto Pardesi
341 Karen Heliger 774 Surujpaul Mohabeer Chaterpaul
342 Kariean Aliceia Joseph 775 Susanna Nandini Kingston
343 Katrina Elizabeth Rose 776 Sydney Matthew Smith
344 Kawal Lalgie and Indrowttie Lalgie 777 Tafawa Kareem Daly
345 Kaya Joseph Rod Dover and Shahana Salome Gonsalves 778 Tamara Pierre
346 Kean Shayla Trotman 779 Tamekia Ishelly Williams
347 Kefa Allan Naughton 780 Tamica Alona Poole
348 Keidy Iles 781 Tandeka Ann Mc Pherson
349 Keifha Megan Henderson 782 Taneil Onica Marcia Rose
350 Keir Gregory Lauris Richards and Raeann Theresa Samaroo-Richards 783 Taneisa Odessa Gilgeours-Meusa
351 Keisha Alana Correia 784 Tarmattie Persaud
352 Keisha Ashley Younge 785 Tasty Ingrid Marks
353 Keisha Oneika Natalia F Broomes 786 Teidel Renae Tomeica Devent
354 Keith Lawrence Friday and Talesha Kristen Herber 787 Tejrani Arjune
355 Kenesha Cassandra Obiki Peterkin 788 Tekesha Tamika Gittens
356 Kennard Russell Brinsley Pickett 789 Temal Singh and Camille Singh
357 Kenneth Gordon Skeete 790 Tenisha Deally
358 Kenrick Wilbourn Drayton 791 Terrence Samuel Griffith
359 Keola Maquila Johnson 792 Terry Raphael Andrews and Shakela Majid
360 Keon Brian Stoby 793 Terry Ryan Leitch and Carol Shirley Roxanne Andrews
361 Keon Delon Baynes 794 Tesha Aleisha Gill
362 Keon Jimmel Skeete 795 Teusimar Kawallram Peters
363 Kerianne Johnetta Richards 796 Thandeka Nathala Washington
364 Keron Kinon Bacchus and Kenietta Loysanne Agatha Bacchus 797 Tiffany Alana Roberts
365 Kesha Abiola Peters 798 Tiffany Ann Ramdyal
366 Keshia Ann Odelle Moore 799 Tiffany Edena Marshall
367 Kevin Anthony Warner 800 Tiffany Fraser
368 Kevin Carryl 801 Tiffiny Colleen Grimes
369 Kevin Clinton Damon 802 Timhol Quincy Williams
370 Kevin Kiran Gokul and Samantha Himawattie Gokul 803 Timothy John Vantull and Carla Noelia Vantull
371 Kevin Trevice Dey 804 Tinesha Amina James
372 Kevin Warren Grant and Tshazia Shaneka Fletchman-Grant 805 Tinesha Kenesha Marks
373 Kevon Delroy Tracy and Kim Kelly Giles-Tracy 806 Tinesha Odellie Noel
374 Kevon Samuel Gibson 807 T’keyah Latonya Azore
375 Khamraji Lutchman 808 Tomeica Odessa Marshall
376 Khemraj Ramlochan and Devisha Vanida Govinda 809 Tomeka Haslyn Holder
377 Khushal Singh 810 Toshoya Hall
378 Kiara Natasha Trotman 811 Toyan Nakesha King
379 Kiefer Alicia Newton 812 Tracey Alicia Jones
380 Kim Armstrong 813 Tracey Verone Morris
381 Kimbaly La’Kicia Malisa Bacchus 814 Tracy Marcia Seepersaud
382 Kimiola Tomika Thomas 815 Travis Joseph Sertimer and Modonna Morgow
383 Kinsly Seon Bacchuus 816 Trevon Shwan Belony
384 Kishan Narine 817 Trinacey Tanika John
385 Kiwana Khrista Wall 818 Trion Edson Henry
386 Kjoshua Guyadeen and Farzana Guyadeen 819 Troy Anthony Daniels and Nicola Alexis Daniels
387 Koletta Renautha Mingo 820 Troy Anthony De Varel
388 Krishna Persaud and Tejwantie Persaud 821 Troy Nicklas Blyden
389 Krishna Sewsaran and Renuka Davi Sewsaran 822 TroyRoyston Samuels
390 Kristoff Shamar Shepperd 823 Trudy Resha Rambarran
391 Kumar Khandaiya Kissoon 824 Tyrell Martino An and Bibi Fardia An
392 Kumar Sarran 825 Udeen O’Donoghue
393 Kunttie Persaud 826 Uderey Peter Bastiani and Roslyn Garrett
394 Kurt Orlando Roberts 827 Udistil Ghianchan and Viana Miranda Persaud-Ghianchan
395 Kurt Reginald Elliot 828 Umadevi Bux
396 Kwesi Itihel Denzel Pitt 829 Vaniar Gutierrez Mustelier and Elba Iris Coy Espinosa
397 Kyvon Shomar James 830 Vashney Julio Ferreira and Gwendolyn De Goias
398 Lakeram Singh and Shelleza Doodnauth 831 Verna Nurse
399 Lana Ann Mc Lennon 832 Vessana Tiffany Akeung
400 Lana Rowena Ramnarine 833 Vibert Henry Chu and Miriam Chu
401 Lansdale Isaacs Haynes 834 Victor Elliot
402 Lasea Anna Philip 835 Videsh Rampersaud
403 Lata Kamini Singh 836 Vijay Mohan asIngh and Natasha Parbhudyal
404 Latoya Candaicia Smith 837 Vijay Shivkarran
405 Latoya Daly 838 Vijayantimala Sam
406 Latoya Tickea Cudjoe 839 Vinod Harry and Candacie Kimberly Harry
407 Laura Sofia Lewis 840 Vishalya Sharma
408 Laushell Kieanna Downes 841 Viswanauth Basdeo and Joeann Parbhu
409 Lavica Amanda Carter 842 Wadiya Abigail Cummings
410 Lawrice Arlington Tanner 843 Wajid Khan
411 Leaco Quincy Gulliver 844 Warren Owen Glasgow
412 Leana Adele Lawrence 845 Wazim Ally Beir and Nadeemah Khan-Beir
413 Leaoral Andrew Adams 846 Wellington Duke and Pamela Edwrads Smith
414 Leevan Chris Thomas and Bibi Naffeezia Thomas 847 Wendel Mitchell
415 Leiana Viviana Jenifer De Freitas 848 Wendell Joseph and Sheriza Joseph
416 Leilawatie Singh 849 Wendy Patricia Gifth
417 Lelouttie Jagrup 850 Weslyn Fraser
418 Leon Andrew Benjamin and Jewel Regina Benjamin 851 Whitney Pamela Lashley
419 Leonard Simon and Yonette Carla Anita Simon 852 Wilfred Bacchus
420 Leroy Alexander Cort 853 William Allistair King
421 Leroy Aluka Abrams 854 William Wycliffe Wallace
422 Leroy Murphy Augustin 855 Winston Fitzpatrick Frederick Mc Donald
423 Levon Oswald Hansel Thorne and Aneisha Udelle Moore-Thorne 856 Winston Theophilus Beckles
424 Liea Lyeticha Eliza Phillips 857 Wynette Shundell Halley
425 Linda Manning 858 Yalsis De La Caridad Janki
426 Lindon Nathaniel Phillips 859 Yasodra Ganedalall
427 Lisa Bacchus 860 Yolanda Abenaty Jeune and Onika Samantha Jeune
428 Lisa Douglas 861 Yolanda Vanessa Adams
429 Lisa Latoya Major 862 Yonette Natasha Blackman
430 Lize Ollivierra 863 Yonnette Allison Phillips
431 Lloyd Rudolph Antony Pollard and Simone Onica Smith 864 Yuwattie Persaud
432 Loachine Budhram 865 Zafaar Khan and Rehanna Naseema
433 Loleta Miranda Cordis 866 Zirodeen Kamalodeen