The lives of six families from the East Coast of Demerara have been changed for the better, as they no longer have to worry about living in dilapidated structures or renting. These families, from the communities of Haslington, Non Pariel, Lusignan, Good Hope, and Cummings Lodge, received the keys to their new ‘Core Homes’ and Certificates of Inspection under the Adequate Housing and Urban Accessibility Programme (AHUAP).
Through tears, 53-year-old Ms. Sonita expressed her happiness at finally having a safe place to call home. Despite having been allocated land, she lived in a dilapidated wooden structure prone to flooding. Without a stable job and relying on public assistance to support her two grandchildren, she was unable to build a decent home. Minister of Housing and Water, Hon. Collin Croal, and Deputy Director of Community Development at CH&PA, Mrs. Donell Bess-Bascom, handed over the houses to Ms. Sonita and the other families this afternoon.

Minister Croal highlighted that the AHUAP, funded by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), aims to assist vulnerable Guyanese families like Ms. Sonita’s, who either cannot afford to build a decent home or have land but lack the resources to build.
“It’s not easy living with other persons, living in an environment that you don’t necessarily own, etc. […] This is helping with homeownership and we’re happy about that,” said Minister Croal.
The Minister explained that under the programme, each beneficiary contributes only $100,000 toward the cost of their new home. Each home has two bedrooms, a kitchen, and indoor sanitary facilities, valued at $5 million. All beneficiaries were selected during a previous application period, which is now closed.
Mr. Carlos Jn Jules, who has been renting with his partner and children, shared his excitement about moving into their own home. He noted that when he applied for the programme he was anxious about his chances but is now thrilled to be among those selected.
“This is a start. My family will be able to grow and things will be better with this [home],” said Mr. Jules.

Speaking about his sons he added, “I think it will be a positive in their life from now to getting everybody one place knowing that this is we own. I don’t think we will experience no more problems after that”.
Mr. Nigel John praised the government for the initiative, expressing his happiness at gaining independence and a place to call his own.

“It’s not everybody could afford and it’s good what the government is doing for people who can’t afford it, you know. So they can live a happy life,” Mr. John expressed.
Under the Core Home Support initiative, a total of 323 beneficiaries have been selected in Region Three and Four. To date, some 110 homes have been handed over, 188 are in the procurement phase, and several others are under construction.